"…it is clear that Ms. Kahng is a highly sensitive musician with a beautiful sound, good intonation and first-rate musicianship."
"…I’ve never heard these sonatas played more compellingly, and if anyone can give the lie to the charge that the music is bland and dull, it’s Er-Gene Kahng and Miroslava Panayotova. They invest each work with such spirit, uplift, and verve in the Allegros, and such songful soulfulness in the Adagios that one really has to wonder if, for too long, Handel’s violin and keyboard sonatas haven’t been seriously and unfairly underrated. Sometimes it takes artists like Kahng and Panayotova to challenge the status quo ante and to change minds. They have certainly changed mine. She [Kahng] plays with a tone that’s bright and focused, like that produced by a fine soprano voice which allows for no shrillness or stridency on top, no coarsening in the mid-range, and no quavering vibrato in any register. She bows, as she breathes, with the rise and fall of the phrases; and as is expected of any well-versed and musically sharp-witted player, she adds a number of her own perfectly judged, always tasteful embellishments to the line, mainly at cadences, and occasionally elsewhere. This is absolutely lovely playing. Recommended highly."